Contraband build for Ray’s

Side on, ride on, right on. And to answer all the questions about the seat… that’s a stripped down version of the SDG Patriot I Beam. Seat and 4.5″ Post weigh in at 8.8 oz.

Straight on.

Contraband art by Chad Carother’s of Index Ink.

Somehow we’re calling this dark orange… hmmmm, it’s more a burnt umber, but it’s growing on me… Note: This is the 395mm Tech 9 in clear raw.
Since we are very new to the 24″ market and seeing as it is a very small market as well, with many, many skeptics and critics a like. I was never a fan of throwing a set of 24’s on a 26″ frame because, well… it just looked off. When I was racing 20″, I always preferred and rode my cruiser better than my 20″. So, for me 24’s seem to have a natural feel and since I’m vertically challenged… 26’s can be a bit much to get away from when things go bad riding park and street, specially learning new shit.
Why am I babbling about this you ask??? Well, with all these factors against the poor 24″, I’ve decided I’m building up a sweet rigid Contraband and send it to a place where countless riders will have an opportunity to throw a leg over and taker her for a spin… literally. I’m sending this machine to Ray’s MTB in sunny Cleveland, Ohio. Only a few more components and it’s ready to roll…
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