As you may or may not know by now… Adam and I have been assisting X-Fusion’s suspension guru Anthony Trujillo, in the development of the all new X-Fusion 02 RCX rear shock that will come on the Killswitch when they are released in Spring. With X-Fuision’s help we have dialed in the 02 RCX to stand up to the demands dirt jumping and slopestyle put on a shock and it’s preformed very solid.
One of our goals during Adam’s recent 2 week stay was to film a short web edit for the all new 02 RCX but thanks to a wet winter the filming didn’t happen this day but we did get some good photos shooting for an Index Ink ad.
Take a look… I can only share the throw-a-ways for now.
Chad setting up his portable graphic for Index’s Day at the Pit…
Chad and Adam harass Dylan’s friend for no reason…
Index Ink shredders, Adam Hauck and Dylan Stark.
Adam enjoyed the change of scenery and weather as well as the opportunity to shovel dirt instead of snow… He and I put in roughly 8 hours of shovel time dialing in the new step-up. Now if I can catch the F’n 50 riders who keep tearing up our work.
This is the first day of my entire 30+ year riding career where I actually consistently spun 360’s over a jump and for it to have been on the Killswitch blows my mind and makes me want to ride my bike more!!!
Adam working on his levitation skills…