Crankworx Colorado Practice

So there is little to show, but a lot to tell. The course that no one thought would work last night works. Every one was getting things diald in… the double wale tale works perfect (almost to perfect) here is a quick little helmet cam of the course.
the course eneded up taking a few people out… first it was Brian Miller who went down hard after casing out of the wale. He ended up with what has been said a compressed vertebrae and a pretty banged up face. second to go down was Logan Pete. Logan went down hard over rotating a flip and got a compressed right tib fib…. both are in good hands in the Denver hospital. (Healing vibes to both) last but not least, Ben Glassen took a dirt sample after he snapped the head tube of his bike little beat up but will ride if he gets a new bike.
now we are just waiting out the weather.
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