SF Expo and AT’s Showdown

Jake whips the step down…
pic by Joshua Kern

I just got in from the drive home from San Francisco… Mondo and I went up to run a booth at the show, sell some old stuff at the swap meet and watch the mayhem of the AT Showdown.
We had a few guys out representing BlkMrkt to the fullest… Jake Kinney, Justin Wyper and Kevin Sorcetti among others were all throwing down.
Jake Kinney decided to leave his 4X bike at home and throw T whips instead snapping gates
turning more than a few heads with barspins and double whips and making the finals…
Justin was having a really good practice session and killing it but just couldn’t hold it together to make the finals. But he had some good runs…. Next year.
The Expo was really good and the contest was insane…. I can’t believe some of the shit I saw go down. Mike Montgomery is as burly as they come sticking multiple 720’s over the 35′ first jump. Best wishes go out to Clint “C-Money” Chandler… He also attempted to spin a 7 over the 35′ that ended in a broken shoulder and ankle. His crash is in the video… He did stomp a few good 3’s on it though.
Injury update for C-Money: Separated shoulder and maybe a broken foot.
Heal up quick Clint!

I was hoping on sack up and hit the whole line but after a couple of runs off the drop I had a bad feeling and decided to watch. That drop is gnarly… my first attempt ended in a slight and I mean a “slight” case… but ripped both feet off the pedals and sent my into a 25mph ball ride at a 8′ lip… scary. The next one went fine but when I grabbed my brake it went to the grip and I pitched full sideways flat track skid for about 30′ to avoid taking out Griz in his wheelchair or camera guy with multi-thousand dollar camera. Watching worked out just fine for me this time… I’m just happy I hit that drop on my hardtail.
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