Stephen Murray’s Trails Is Shouting Jam Pics…

Yesterday was the first jam at Stephen Murray’s Trails Is Shouting Jam at his new dirt playground in Riverside, Ca. and the turnout was insane… Here’s just few of the names I can recall from yesterday’s mayhem.
Stephen Murray, Jake Kinney, TJ Ellis, Drew Bezanson, Adam Saunders( Good Luck recovering from knee replacement surgery!), Joey Cordova, Luke Parslow, Andre Ellison, Shawn and Nick Terrant, Ricky Mosley, Arrash Sadie, Neal Wood, Kris Fox, Fernando Sabat, Nasty, Hucker, Slayer, Wildman, Big Daddy, Biz … ok, I give up… easier to say who wasn’t there. There were at least 50 riders min.
On to the pics…
 Unknown 1 hand table 3… but he is on a Hoffman if that helps.
 Cory Bohan canon ball!!!
I missed the trick and got DGAF’d… 
 270 X-Up 3 by Joey Cordova
Unknown Superwhip… 
A manly nac (Grrr…. NAC… LAND) Vs. 

A pointy toe seat grab nac (whoosh, grab, pointy toe, land…) which do you like more? 
I had a great day even though I misjudged my first and on only attempt at the front yard hip to sweeping right into the S Turn Long & Low.  Instead of the more successful line choice of slight popping the lip, finding backside and cruising on in style… I choose to racer the fuck out of the lip, diving headlong into the backside of the landing. Luckily, I was able to tuck and roll out and avoid the concussion but broke my right thumb for the 100th time it seems… Looks like I’ll be spending more time on my N.S.F. in the next couple of months.
This was all I got before I traded my 7D for my Edit1… I’ll post more from Suzie’s point of view later…
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