Kevin Sorichetti is Back!

BLK MRKT rider Kevin Sorichetti has had some rough luck with injuries this year. One crash left him in the hospital for a few days with a few broken ribs and a collapsed lung. But he is back on his bike and getting up to speed. Read about his plans in a mini interview and see more the So Cal shredder by reading below…

What have been your injuries? My first injury was 4 broken rib’s and a

collapsed lung. And then during rehab I pulled a ligament in my wrist. Total

down time 9.5 weeks

Have you had to do a lot of rehab or anything special to get healed

up? Rib injury was actually interesting, to address my collapsed lung

they cut through my muscles overlapping my rib cage. So rehab

consisted of trying not to overstrain the muscle and re-break my ribs.

What are your plans for the immediate future and for 2013? Well for

the immediate future I’ll be working on consistent edit releases and

photo coverage and in 2013 I’ll be competing in a full line of

contests held by the FMB tour. Anyone interested in keeping up to date

on my latest edits or photos check out


Kevin Sorichetti

(all photos courtesy of Kalin Law)

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