Colorado trip Update from Jake Kinney

So I have been in Colorado these last couple day and it has been great. My game plane was to come to Colorado about a week and a half before the Ranchstyle contest in Grand Junction and hit up as many different jump spots, skateparks and shops to just ride with all the local CO kids and give out some fun free product. And to spread the word about Woodward West and all the companies that support me. Then just have fun riding and put smiles on kids and other riders faces by hanging with them in their hometown areas. 
The trip has been great so far, we have ridden some amazing places. I also entered a fixed gear race around Denver which was awesome. Yesterday we went to Valmont Bike Park to do some filming and riding. One of things we have been battling with here is crazy winds these last couple days. When we arrived to Valmont it was beyond windy. Boulder MTB Association started a Tuesday night dual slalom race series that night. So why not enter…right?! ( Take in mind I was there to jump and I was on my mob with micro knobbies, one brake and 28/12 gearing). Perfect bike for dirt jumps but made it work for some racing. We had a full rack of 32 guys. I loved the course and ended up putting down the fastest times which I was really pumped about. Then the racing started and was going great and made it to round of 8 while still winning my heats and won the first race of 2 in round of 8. In my second heat of round 8 I slid the front tire a little in a corner that had been getting broken up so I lost the time I had gained coming into that heat. I was extremely stoked to be able to make it that far and put the times down on my dirt jump bike. I am looking forward to the next couple days and then we hit Ranchstyle. It has been a great trip so far I have made lots of new friends and met so many cool young rippers and also many fun good riders in general. Its truly great to be part of the MTB community. Also Chris from has been great. Thanks to him and his wife for letting me live on their couch here while showing me around this state. More to come from the trip. Thanks to everyone who has helped out… 
Thanks  –  Jake Kinney
Coming in after my first lap in the Chain Chase fixed race in downtown Denver on my NSF. (pic by Casey Etheredge)

Me and my little friend Little-D Feitinger. Who will get his first experience at Woodward West this summer.
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