This is steven, he loves riding bikes…

I few months ago, I was looking for someone to ride the Street Fiend proto and I wondered into the Long Beach, City Grounds bike shop and that’s where I found Steven… or should I say, he found us…
I was talking to the manager and turned around to see Steven, who is a pretty big kid with a dirty baseball hat on kind of crooked and dirty pink Crocs with feet drawn on them in gold paint marker, talking to Suzie about “her” bike. She was riding the small red fixed Street Fiend proto with 26″ Atomlab rims and 2.1″ tires. Steven was already asking to take it for test ride… he was amped on the bike because he was coming into fgfs from BMX and found fixed frame geometry pretty wack for the most part…
I wasn’t expecting much from this big ass dude in pink Crocs, no socks on a fixie with toe straps but Steven immediately threw a hop-bar with 29″ Molly’s while still getting his toe straps to fit his Barney Rubble looking cartooned Crocs. As he was getting used to the bike in the middle of Main st. downtown 
Long Beach, he did a high speed 180 to slider but he over-cooked it a bit and it spun him super fast to where his foot popped out of his toe strapped in Croc and slapped his barefoot flat to the hot pavement with a pop! He still continued to ride for another 15 minutes… 
I was sold on having Steven test the Street Fiend.
Long way to get to this… but Steven’s been working on this edit and released a short one in the mean time but to tell you the truth, I’m not sure this one’s done yet either but it’s full of good riding so enjoy and we’ll have to help Steven with his edit endings… 

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