Playing in the Dirt…

I love turning…
I’m lucky enough to live on a street that ends on one of the only undeveloped riverbeds in Orange County… And thanks to the recent weeks of rain the dirt is PRIME. And the Roam is a turning machine!!!
So, during the daily Zeus runs to the river, I spend a lot of time doing cutties or bombing down the riverbed and drifting thru the rocks and river sand… good times!!! I’ve even been teaching my girlfriend Suzie some bike handling skills seeing as how she’s recently been forced to become a mountain biker just to keep up with me, Zeus and her dog Pepper…
So, today during Zeus’ walk… I was cutting in a new cuttie course and I guess I got a little over zealous and ripped my tire off the rim… scaring the crap out of Zeus and Pepper.
I was having fun…

Kick rocks…
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