Christmas 2010…

Wow… another Christmas come and gone… goodbye. But the memories will last a lifetime. Over the course of my life my parents have contributed to my long BMX career that eventually lead me to starting Black Market and doing what I do now… 
Well, this Christmas I finally had a chance for the first time since I started this shindig to give my parents bikes. I was so stoked to see their reactions! My mom has been riding this pink and white thing to walk her dog for a couple of years that I wanted desperately to replace and destroy ( that will happen later… ) and I wasn’t sure if Vince even wanted to ride a bike… he’s all about horses. So, when I saw my mom stand and start to crank… I had a moment of panic… then she threw her right foot off and carved a turn around Vince laughing. Vince and my mom are both in leather soled cowboy-ish boots on plastic pedals… not very good riding shoes to say the least. Did that stop Vince from riding no handed while cruising around my block? Nope.
I have to say, seeing them riding around like the 200+ kids at Woodward this weekend was amazing and I’m glad i was finally able to do it.

Happy Holidays!!!
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