Justin Wyper at Crankworx

Justin sends it for his first time…

Justin Wyper and his Killswitch.

Yesterday was the open qualifier for the 2010 Crankworx Slope Style event anf the course is gnarly. Lots of big gaps and drops to contend with and full suspension is definitely a plus here.
Justin rode a conservative first run with some good tricks including a no foot can can off the Kokanee tractor trailer, a clicked un-turndown on the quarter, tuck no hander up the pink taco thing, straight air off into a big flip on the step-up… drop the monster drop… over vert ride on the death star thing… a few smaller hits then super man the last step-down kicker.
Justin’s 2nd run was coming together nicely with an extended superman flip on the step-up but then he blew a pedal off the monster drop sending him sliding 50′ on his back into the netting around the course. Justin got up and finished his run… shaken but not stirred. Better luck next time Justin.
Almost forgot… yesterday was also best trick and Justin was able to throw down some good runs and pick up a few bucks for his efforts. He pulled a tuck no hand frontie, a huge stylish frontie and a sick Indian air backflip.

Greg Watts won that session with a flip double whip on a full suspension bike… damn.
Check out the video…
one for the road…

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