Weekend in Trzic – with Leo Gamboc and friends…

Weekend in Trzic – Report, photos, video

by Luka Urbac on Thursday, June 17, 2010

Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooow! This is amazing.

Read more of our weekend in Trzic, Slovenia. It was awesome!
Report by Leo Gamboc (Blk Mrkt Bikes / Bajkmanija), translation by Yours truly.

Luka U., Goran (NS Bikes / Alanprim) and me decided it was time to visit the famous Red Shovel trails in Trzic. It was a Saturday, 8 in the morning when we left our hometown Umag heading towards the trails. We met with our friends from Rijeka (Jon and Luka S.) at the Voklo resting-place. Unfortunately, our friends had to be home by 4pm (that’s why we actually left that early).

We arrived in Trzic at 11. Ther place is actually called Krize (a small town close to Trzic and Kranj). The Divjina Dirt Park is a 3 minute ride from the place where you can park your car. You really can’t go wrong.

I was the first one to see the trails. Afterwards, Goran and both Luka’s reached me. Jon was the last to arrive, but the first to actually ride because we “had” to do the pro walk: a walk through the trails to see what jumps we wanted to ride, what tricks to do on which jump and so forth. While we were busy with these formalities, Jon was already putting on his shin and kneepads and was stoked to shred the trails. He wanted to make the best of the time they had to ride.

…and we started riding the several lines made of an impressive number of 34 jumps!!!!! This dirt is fuken!!

Why is it so special, you may ask? Because it’s really unique in this part of Europe – it was built by the locals in a period of 8 years (2002 – present day), all by hand (without any machinery). Sick!

I can’t really explain you how good this actually was. I mean, not just me: anyone who rode it said it’s amazing, an absoulte pleasure to ride. I don’t think I’ll be able to ride any other dirt jump track, without thinking how good the trails in Trzic are. This is way better than our hometown trails in Umag (but hey, we have a contest going on in Umag on the 31.07.2010. – you know you want to come – It’s going to be crazy good!)

We tried to offer the locals a boit of our seaside in exchange for the trails, but they weren’t interested. 😛

The trails have a chill zone as well: about 15 car seats that are completely functional (heated, massaging, and so on). 😀

So, basically these are a few highlights of our trip:

– The locals take some time everyday to do some fine tuning at the trails (usually, before riding)
– Luka Å .’s girlfreind works at the Radio in Rijeka (Radio Rijeka – Xtreeme Sova – Check it out), therefore Luka wanted to record a little interview with the builders of the trails.

– There was also a little crew from Austria: 7 riders from Klagenfurt and Graz. Some of them were there for the first time, while some had already ridden the trails before. We did some “trains” together on some of the most entertaining lines.
– When the Austrians left, some friends from Maribor came. …and the riding continues! 😀

– Goran made a “Visual how-to” 360 for you 🙂

– Me and Goran rode all the lines together – you can see them in this small video.

– During the day we also started doing some tricks. The jumps are perfect, so it was no big deal for us to try them. But there is one small “problem”: the jumps make you want to do stylish stuff like motowhips and tables – they’re great for relaxed riding.

– It’s awesome that, even though the trails are located in the woods, you can still order a pizza and get it delivered to you there. They’re organized! 🙂
Luka U. was filming the whole day. But he also made time to do some fine tuning with the broom and to chill in the tent a bit.

Trzic Lines from goran jurica on Vimeo.

– After we were too tired to ride, we were invited at a “rostilj” at the locals’ place. We also had some beers, cokes and so on (I managed to swallow a fly). Hospitality at its best. Thanks guys!

– We slept in a tent that was placed on the landing of the second step-up. A rescue dog decided it was time to wake us at 6.30am. He kept poking the tent with his snout and barking at us. Fffffffffffffffffffffffuuuuuuuuuuuu. We had to get out of the tent. Fortunately, the chill zone was still there, so we decided to get some more sleep outside the tent.

– Nejc (local rider and one of the builders of the trails) arrived at 11 and we started the riding session.

– Day 2 was pretty much Nejc, Goran and myself riding alone. Some local MTBer joined us a few hours later. Once again, the atmosphere was great and we enjoyed every second of it.

I hope you’re going to ride these trails at least once in your life, because they are really beautiful!

Last but not least, thanks again to all the locals – Nejc, Primoz, Jan, “Sektor”, Jernej, Ziva, Niko – forgive me if I forgot anyone.

Thanks for reading,
Leo Gamboc (Blk Mrkt Bikes / Bajkmanija)

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