Justin Wyper Web Edit

Justin Wyper and Peter Bailey have started a series of web edits that will come out throughout the year as they are filming for Rockstar and few other projects… Here’s a little background on the first one from Justin himself… enjoy!
So basically our goal for the first episode was to go out the different some of the different types riding availaible in Whistler and not on the mountain itself. We headed out to the Alta pump track in the morning, pumped around for an hour or so untill my legs felt like jello. Once done there, we headed down to the river jumps to hang out and ride for the afternoon. After countless runs thru the jumps and too many spins and flips to count, we jumped in my car and headed down the highway towards one of the pump/jump spots out in the bush of Whistler for a little more pump track and jump action.”

Justin Wyper June 11 2010 from peter bailey on Vimeo.

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