Vishnevy Wins the GaBa Session in Russia!!!

Vishneviy takes the win in Samara with style…

Moves like this brakeless flip bar put Visheviy on top, beating 20’s as well…

Ghetto Park Sesh

Ruslan Kutlubaev A.K.A. Ham
All photo by Alex Bivoi… aka Cheese

Vishneviy flip table

Cross Coutry Travel Russian Style…

GaBaSession 2010 from Sergey Krivchikov on Vimeo.

Vishneviy’s Samara Trip…
We knew about this contest in Samara city only the before the event. I called to my friends and sponsors and we decided to go. We had really big luck not be too late for the train to Samara. In the train, for sure, we had pretty nice party with a lot of adventures. Next day, when we came to Samara, we’ve met a lot of Moscow riders, with whom we decided to go to ghetto skatepark, whch was not far from the trainstation. After few hours of riding, we explored one of the biggest factories in Russia of the most popular beer, which was really close to the park. After that we understood that we would have some plans for the evening 🙂 After ghetto park our company went to the place, where all the events must be. In the first day there must be a qualification runs and the next day – the finals. The park, built by the organizators of the contest (it was biggest Bank in Samara) was pretty cool, but some of the really good riders had few serious crashes and not of them got into the finals. After pretty awsome riding wedecided to go at first close to the factory and only then – somewhere to party. Next Day were the finals and the organization of the contest ws perfect! They made really good show and all the people outside were impressed. Afterparty was insane! Some of us even lost our memory in the morning
: )

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