Sheep Hills Revival #???


I know he liked it…

Pedro wanted to try out the Killswitch tonight… I think he liked it.

The other side of the whip…

Devin Foreman cracks a serious whip on the jumps he and his dad help maintain daily…

Erik Tipton has been an SHL since the beginning… 45 & stylish…
Today as we were riding across the Hamilton Ave. bridge on our way to Sheep Hills, Chad asked “How long has Sheep been here?” Hmmm…. A long damn time… I have been riding Sheep Hills on and off since 91’… the longest off time being the 4 years Taylor and I built at Hidden.
Sheep Hills has been one of the main staples in So. Cal. BMX trail riding since I’m guessing the early 80’s and still continues to provide an amazing backdrop for photos and a great place to ride with friends. I’ve had literally countless EPIC days “ridin’ Sheep” until dark and had the opportunity to ride with most of the SHL’s past & present… today was the first time I’ve ever shot photos there myself and was stoked at the results. Hope you dig…
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