We are bike riders and bike nuts, it’s that simple. Let us build you the best bike you’ve ever loved!

Black Market came about in 2004 as a result of my never ending frustrations to find a 26″ the fit and feel of the 20″ BMX bikes I loved so much growing up but struggle to be comfortable on today.

This is what inspired the design of the first ever Black Market product, the MOB. The MOB continues to be the benchmark against which all others are judged and the “MOST INFLUENTIAL HARDTAIL EVER MADE” – Decline Magazine.

Just take a look around at the bike park… you’ll see Black Market’s style and geometry in every dirt jumper made today.

Since then we have gone on to develop quality products wherever we see a need for something whether it be a new, different or better. The best products to come from Black Market has been the slow formation of our widely talented family/team that’s based more on style than flare and a greater love the bicycle.
I am excited to see what’s next as we ride on…

Thank you for supporting a rider owned brand,

Carter Holland


12463 Rancho Bernardo Road, Suite 513
San Diego, California 92128

Call us:

Phone – 714-923-1225
Fax – 714-676-1855


If you’re interested in sponsorship
opportunities with Black Market Bicycles,
please email us: [email protected]