Here’s a cool edit from last week’s Red Bull Ride N Style fixed gear event in San Francisco I found on… enjoy.
Full edit from Red Bull soon including perfect fixed Kozo’s backflip… nuts!!!

I spent a few days in San Francisco for the Red Bull Ride n Style. I had a great time and met a ton of new people. These are some clips I got while I was there.
The first part of the video is a compilation of street riding. Appearances by:
-Tom Lamarche
-Matt Spencer
-Joe Mckeag
-Nikko Jow
-Tyler Louie
-Miles Mathia

Track: You’re the One-The Black Keys

The second part is a teaser for the upcoming edit I’m working on from the Red Bull trick comp, featuring Chris Fonseca, Josh Boothby, Joe Mckeag, Matt Reyes, Matt Montoya, Nasty, and Tyler Johnson.

Big thanks to everyone I met and rode with. Feel free to hit me up anytime to meet up and ride.[email protected] or find me on FB.

Edit by Shane Hunt

Somehow, I completely forgot about this video, but thankfully the trailer made it online. “Tough As Hel” was AtomLab’s DVD from 4 years ago, and it just so happens to star our very own Carter Holland and Adam Hauck. The video is a great watch and worth the effort to track down. I’ll try to upload my dvd online to make it easy for all of you. For now, enjoy the trailer!

Snapped a nice shot of Kevin Sorichetti with a “Monkey Plant” aka Topside-Handplant on the 15ft vert wall at the Clairemont Skatepark in San Diego. Enjoy!

I just received an update and a few pics from our German rider, Martin Kiesewewtter who has been shredding his new Malice and Killswtich in a few of the bigger German bike parks over the last week and has some pics to share. First is a sketchy drop with a super short take off… Kesi’s Killswitch barely fit on the lip he got tossed at least once. 
He ended up snagging the cover of next month’s 
Mountain Bike Rider Magazine for his efforts… Nice work Kesi!!! 
We’ll post it when it’s released… 
Kesi rides the Forest Of Essen…

Indian Air in Duisberg, Germany
by Tim Dalhoff 

I have been working with Nick Brandreth for about 6 years now and he’s not only a ridiculous photographer and always getting better but Nick’s always been a friend. Believe me, Nick has put up with a lot of shit from Adam and me… mostly Adam but it’s because we love him and we’re only happy he doesn’t turn his NJ wrestling skills loose on us.
Here’s a taste of Nick’s abilites…
 Rick and Rhyno

Rick doing what only he can do…
 Adam Hauck
Thanks for everything Nick!!! Looking forward to working with you again soon!!!
Here’s the link to Nick’s new site… 

The long awaited X-Fusion video release just dropped… Here it is for… YOU!!!
X-Gon Give It To Ya…

Part I

Part II

Our very own Jake Kinney just finished a web video for Index Ink. It’s taken some time, but the results came out great. This just shows what a great rider is made of, Jake can ride anything! Huge thanks to James Moore for filming/editing. Be sure to check back soon for another video by James. Enjoy!

Some more shots from Jim Tharp’s yard, this time with BlkMrkt “Made Man” Jake Kinney.

Jake’s Buzzin his way through the set.

Jim laying down a classic Table.