I love turning…
I’m lucky enough to live on a street that ends on one of the only undeveloped riverbeds in Orange County… And thanks to the recent weeks of rain the dirt is PRIME. And the Roam is a turning machine!!!
So, during the daily Zeus runs to the river, I spend a lot of time doing cutties or bombing down the riverbed and drifting thru the rocks and river sand… good times!!! I’ve even been teaching my girlfriend Suzie some bike handling skills seeing as how she’s recently been forced to become a mountain biker just to keep up with me, Zeus and her dog Pepper…
So, today during Zeus’ walk… I was cutting in a new cuttie course and I guess I got a little over zealous and ripped my tire off the rim… scaring the crap out of Zeus and Pepper.
I was having fun…

Kick rocks…

This is simply the BEST web video I have ever seen. Odyssey BMX put together a New Year edit with some of the best clips from 2010. They have included everyone in this video, Pro and Flow riders. And when I say everyone, I mean it…….Aitken is BACK! Some highlights include Adam Banton’s Fastplant-Backflip on a dirt spine, and Matthias Dandois’ 180-halfcab nose manual-180-half cab hang 5-180. Flatland is making a big comeback in 2011, I can feel it. So, sit back and enjoy 12 minutes of insanity!

This little shredder is Jackson Goldstone from Canada… He was one of the campers at last week’s Winter Camp at Woodward West. I had no idea he was as big of a name as he was… but you never know who you’ll ride with at Woodward!!!

Happy New Year!!!

I’m stoked to say the Roam is now taking it’s final shape and testing has been going extremely well!!! Our only complaint’s been that we’re riding an XS with a super short 20.5″ TT… this problem was solved with a 70mm stem but it’s still to small. The benefit to this is now there will be a 6.3″ travel All-Mountain frame with a 26″ stand-over.
Here are a few of the renderings I just received from Pablo who has been putting in lots of clicks to make this happen for us… Thanks Pablo, nice work! Can’t wait to touch the new version… until then, I’m gonna keep banging out the miles on the current proto.
The Roam’s new wider shock box with ISCG’05 mounts. 
Another nice touch is our new improved sliding drop out system which uses a 3mm allen to dial in the chainstay length from a super flickable 16″/ 406mm to 16.45″/ 418mm

Moves are being made… the Roam is coming…

Kevin Sorichetti is a very talented up and comer from San Diego, and has recently joined the BlkMrkt Flow Team. Recently Kevin and myself went out to shoot a “unique” photo. The barspin is ordinary, the fact that is on the leg of a bridge, over the biggest freeway in San Diego is the unique part. Not to mention the fact that 30 seconds before the shot was taken, a nice CHP officer showed up to question us. Thankfully after an explanation and some charm, he decided to let us “Get the one shot and get the hell out of there.” (Note: he’s still in the photo, making sure we don’t stay too long.) Enjoy!

Just dug through some random photos of mine and came across this old one of myself. Table at the Da Compound trails in Perris, CA. Nothing like a good old flatty to keep trails alive!