Pavel threw a contest at their local spot in Russia last weekend… Pavel ended up taking 2nd overall and winning best trick stomping a 360 whip to bars. Check the edit out… 

Pit Jam Results
1st Ruslan Kutlubaev
2nd Pavel Alekhin “Vishneviy”
3rd Denis Antohin
Best Trick
Pavel Alekhin
360 bar to whip

New Zealand shredder Conor McFarlane will be landing Stateside to hit up the North American Slopestyle and Dirt Jump contests for the next few months supported by Wide Open Distribution and Black Market.
The guys at Wide Open sent over a few pics so we’d know what to expect and I’m looking forward to seeing him ride.

One of Conor’s ride for the season…

The other day, Kevin Sorichetti and myself were asked to go shoot a photo to be used in the window of our local shop. The only issue is, they don’t sell 26’s, so, we ended up shooting a BMX pic. Never the less, Kevin produce a huge flair with a little table in there. Enjoy!

Kesi just sent over some photos from a recent Scott On Air 2011 contest in Germany where he placed 
10th in the Finals.
Big superman seatgrab.

Good work Kesi…
Pics by Karsten Grobe and Stefan Oschmann